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Sphagnum Moss Brick

$13.98 USD

Sphagnum moss is a versatile and beneficial addition to your reptile's habitat. This live plant features a soft, fluffy texture and it adds natural beauty to your pet's environment. It is also highly absorbent, helping to maintain moisture levels and prevent over-drying.

Caring for Sphagnum peat moss is simple and requires minimal attention. It prefers to be kept in a moist, shady area with low to moderate light. It is tolerant of occasional drought and is suitable for use in a variety of reptile habitats. Simply mist the moss with water every few days and avoid overwatering, and your Sphagnum peat moss will thrive.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Sphagnum peat moss has several benefits for reptile habitats. It helps to control humidity levels, retains moisture, and provides a natural bedding for your pet. It also has natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can help to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and other pathogens.

Overall, Sphagnum peat moss is an excellent choice for reptile owners looking to create a comfortable and healthy environment for their pets.


Size: 4" x 8" 0.5"

Weight: 100g

Looking for different moss?
Click here to request another moss .

  • Neutral pH
  • Great water-retention
  • Pliable and soft growing as a growing material
  • Pure moss (no other plant material)
  • Great to use it as a seed-starter. (Ex. orchids, and as additional growing material in potting soils)


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Sphagnum Moss Brick

$13.98 USD

What’s the Difference Between Spagmoss and Peat Moss?

Sphagnum moss and peat moss are often confused, but they're different. Sphagnum moss grows on soil surfaces, while peat moss is the waterlogged layer below. Harvesting sphagnum moss is sustainable, with regrowth in 5-6 years. However, peat moss, formed over thousands of years, is not renewable. Its harvesting destroys swamps' regeneration potential.

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