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Geckopia Blog

Are Crested Geckos Good Pets for Beginners?

Are Crested Geckos Good Pets for Beginners?

Choosing the right pet can be an exciting yet daunting task, especially for beginners. For those considering a beginner friendly reptile companion, crested geckos have gained popularity in recent years. These...

Why Do Crested Geckos Have Eyelashes?

Why Do Crested Geckos Have Eyelashes?

Crested geckos, scientifically known as Correlophus ciliatus, are renowned for their distinctive appearance, and one of their intriguing features is the presence of "eyelashes." These "eyelashes" are actually not true...

Why Leopard Geckos Develop Foggy Eyes

Why Leopard Geckos Develop Foggy Eyes

Just like any living creature, leopard geckos are susceptible to health issues that can sometimes puzzle their owners. One such concern is the development of foggy or cloudy eyes. In...

How To Pick Up Leopard Geckos Comfortably

How To Pick Up Leopard Geckos Comfortably

Hey there, fellow leopard gecko enthusiast! So, you've got these awesome little buddies with their mesmerizing patterns, right? But, I get it – handling them might seem a bit nerve-wracking....

Leopard Gecko Care Guide

Leopard Gecko Care Guide

Leopard Gecko Leopard geckos make fantastic reptile pets, known for their beautiful patterns, docile nature, and relatively easy care requirements. Whether you're a first-time reptile owner or an experienced enthusiast,...